An exploration of new UI elements


Lead Designer


Design Systems







As the company (Navan) initiated a rebranding effort, we seized the opportunity to create a new component library. Our existing set of components were scattered in Figma and were not designed for scalability. I was tasked with the responsibility of managing this project and designing the new library. 

Objectives included the following:

  • Build component system into a Figma asset library
  • Structure designs to be totally responsive
  • Improve user experience
  • Include features requested by stakeholders
  • Establish comprehensive design guideline documentation


The inception session

I launched the project with a stakeholder discovery meeting to identify their requirements. We delved into their vision, drawing inspiration from examples of components on other websites. Documenting these insights in Confluence, I later referenced these resources throughout the design process.

Expedition into insights

I drew inspiration from stakeholder-provided examples and conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis. This strategic approach helped me pinpoint elements that would seamlessly fit into our content management system (CMS).

Sculpting possibilities

After incorporating stakeholder input and research findings, I transitioned into building wireframes for the primary components. Leveraging Figma's auto layout feature, I ensured flexibility by enabling each wireframe component to expand or minimize seamlessly for various viewport references.

Bridging design and development

I presented the component wireframes to the web development team. This collaborative discussion aimed to streamline the development process, uncovering potential enhancements, and gauging the estimated development time for each component. We also solidified how the components would integrate into our CMS and what fields and new features would be needed. I incorporated the developer notes into the project document as well as the Figma project.

Design sprint victory

In the conclusive design sprint, I crafted a total of 22 new components, each featuring responsive variations and integrated updates to our Figma asset and variable libraries. Throughout this sprint, ongoing communication with our development team was paramount. Daily updates ensured they could promptly commence coding upon the completion of each component, maintaining a seamless workflow and efficient integration of the new design elements.

Example of a component in Figma



The developers worked efficiently, crafting components using the new UI library. They benefitted from their early involvement in the discussion before receiving the Figma asset library. This proactive collaboration minimized design queries and streamlined the development process.

Empowering content creators

Utilizing Contentful's live preview feature, we were able to provide content creators with visual representations of the new components, making it easy for them to build new pages with ease. I provided training and how-to documentation to further assist the content team in their efforts.

Testing triumph

We conducted various A/B tests to validate the enhanced performance of our redesigned components compared to their older counterparts. In each test, the new components consistently yielded higher conversions and improved user retention, affirming our confidence in the efficacy of the new UI library.